Monday, February 4, 2008

A Different Side

I’ve been previewing some of the new music from a few of our favorite bands lately, and have noticed a different side to some of them. Take, for example, the solo work of Jon Foreman, lead singer for Switchfoot. Take Switchfoot and strip it down to its bare roots and you’ve got the music from Fall and Winter. I love the music from both. It’s the kind of music that you can just put in and chill to. And the instrumentation, along with Jon’s vocals, is gorgeous. I would have never thought to put some of the combinations together that he has, and I’m a band geek. Trumpet representin’.

My favorite would have to be White As Snow from Winter. He basically weaves Psalm 51 into this beautiful tapestry of sound, lyrics, and emotion. It’s always been one of my favorite verses and I loved when Charlie Peacock did a song to it. However, Jon’s version blew Charlie’s out of the water. No offense intended, Charlie, you’re still the man.

So, if you’re looking for more Switchfoot, Jon’s solo projects are not it. However, if you love music, and you love Jon Foreman, and you have an open mind, this is definitely for you. Right now you can hear the music on Jon’s myspace page (and on Yes FM), but a two disc package featuring Fall and Winter will be out soon. And, soon, he’ll do the same thing with Spring and Summer.

Until next time...

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